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TechTalks with a Salesforce MVP: A Day in the Life of a Solution Architect

Solution Architect

Welcome to the third article in our series on Salesforce Solution Architecture!

Up to this point, we've covered the roles and responsibilities of the Solution Architect, the differences between this role and that of the Software Architect, and the soft and technical skills necessary to thrive in the role.

In this installment, we'll provide an overview of a typical day in the life of a Solution Architect — giving you a glimpse into their daily routines, tasks, and activities. Join us as we walk through the 7 key phases of a day in this important role.

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1.  Kickstarting the Day

The Salesforce Solution Architect begins their day by reviewing their calendar, checking emails, and catching up on any updates or messages from other team members and stakeholders.

They then plan their day by prioritizing tasks and allocating time for:

  • Meetings
  • Design work
  • Collaboration with other team members

Since the Solution Architect might be involved in multiple projects at a time, this type of daily planning is a must. Getting organized and managing work from multiple teams is the best way to start the day off in an orderly fashion.

2.  Behind the Scenes

Throughout the day, Solution Architects participate in internal team meetings to:

  • Discuss project progress
  • Address any challenges
  • Decide on the solution design and implementation

They provide guidance and support to team members, helping to ensure that the project stays on track and adheres to the established design and best practices.

In these meetings, Salesforce Solution Architects also review feedback and analyze possible roadblocks that could arise during the project development. They collaborate with team members to refine the project’s technical aspects and uphold the determined timeline, budget, and scope.

3.  The Power of Connection

The Solution Architect frequently engages with clients and other stakeholders in meetings or virtual calls to:

  • Provide updates
  • Gather feedback
  • Discuss any changes or issues

A major part of their role is managing stakeholder expectations — securing alignment with the project goals and objectives.

Salesforce Solution Architects understand the power of connection when interacting with clients and stakeholders. They prioritize maintaining strong relationships by listening attentively, asking thoughtful questions, and demonstrating empathy and understanding.

4.  The Blueprint to Success

A significant portion of a Solution Architect's day is dedicated to designing and documenting the Solution Architecture.

This involves:

  • Refining the design
  • Creating diagrams and documentation
  • Updating the project's repository with the latest information

In this role, it is imperative to keep documentation up-to-date and organized, as it serves as a reference for the team and stakeholders.

The Solution Architects expertise in the areas of design and documentation can help to guarantee that the Solution Architecture is effective, efficient, and — as always — aligned with the business needs and goals of the organization.

5.  A Quest for Knowledge

Salesforce Solution Architects allocate time for research and continuous learning — staying up-to-date on new Salesforce features, products, and best practices.

This may involve:

  • Reading articles
  • Participating in webinars
  • Engaging in discussions with colleagues and peers in the Salesforce ecosystem

Remaining current with the latest trends and technologies helps those in this role to provide the best possible solutions to their clients.

6.  Working Together to Win

Throughout the day, the Solution Architect works with team members to:

  • Address technical challenges
  • Review implementation details
  • Provide guidance on specific tasks

They may also work on problem-solving, brainstorming ideas, and devising strategies to overcome any obstacles and ensure the proper implementation of the solution. Establishing open lines of communication with team members, promoting a culture of trust and respect, and fostering an environment where ideas are welcomed and valued all help to boost the project to a successful outcome.

7.  Winding Down

As the day comes to an end, Solution Architects:

  • Review their progress
  • Update their to-do lists
  • Prepare for the next day

They may send any necessary follow-up emails, document any decisions made during the day, or review the work of other team members as well. By taking this time to both wind down and prepare for what’s to come, Salesforce Solution Architects help to make sure that they are well-rested, focused, and ready to tackle any future challenges.

Next on the Agenda…

As you can see, the Solution Architect’s day is filled with various tasks and activities around designing, implementing, and supporting Salesforce solutions.

Their daily routine involves a mix of meetings, collaboration, design work, and continuous learning. All of these activities hold architects accountable for their solutions and give them the authority to develop a trustworthy relationship with the technical team and business stakeholders.

Coming up in the next article of this series, we’ll detail the challenges and rewards that Salesforce Solution Architects face in their work. You won’t want to miss it!

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Angélica Buffa

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